It is important to understand that creating an environment is crucial for healing and deliverance to take place. In order to do this, we must first understand the process of growing a garden. Just as we must cultivate and break up solid ground in order to plant and reap a harvest, we must also take steps to create an environment that is conducive to spiritual growth.
Importance of Environment for Healing
Job 8:11 reminds us that just as the rush cannot grow without mire and the flag cannot grow without water, people cannot grow without the right environment. This means that we must create an atmosphere of consecration, prayer, and faith.
Consecration: The First Part
Consecration is the first part in creating the right environment for healing and deliverance to take place. Jesus Himself demonstrated the importance of consecration when He healed people. He accessed the power of the Spirit through daily prayer and spending time with God. In Jeremiah 33:3, God promises to answer us and show us great and mighty things that we do not know when we call upon Him. Through prayer, we can access the power of the Spirit and see more clearly.
Faith: The Second Part
Faith is the second part of creating the right environment. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). We must have faith that is big enough to move mountains, and we must be willing to transmit this faith to others. When people come to us with their needs, they are looking for someone who has faith and can help them.
Prayer: The Third Part
However, it is important to remember that faith is not something that we can manufacture on our own. We must have a great dimension of faith that comes from spending time with God in prayer. Only through prayer can we access the great dimensions of faith that is necessary for healing and deliverance to take place.
We must create an environment that is conducive to spiritual growth. This requires consecration, prayer, and faith. Without these elements, we cannot effectively minister to those who are in need of healing and deliverance. Let us commit ourselves to spending time with God in prayer so that we may access the great dimensions of faith that are necessary for effective ministry.
Footnotes: A lot of this is from notes taken in Altar Worker class at Pine Grove Pentecostal Church on Wednesday, February 22th, 2023, led by Bro Heith Ellingburg and Bro Chris McGrone.