Estimated Fare Comparison in Jackson, MS – Uber vs Taxi – Uber wins!
While I was waiting on a fare, cabs from two different companies drove up and grabbed a rider. One from Veteran’s and the other a Jackson Cab. I was thinking about what is the actual difference between Uber’s fares and the actual Taxi’s. The Taxi side is a rough estimate because the cab companies in Jackson, MS doesn’t have an actual website with the fare broken down. However I found a website (link below) that helps out a little with breaking down the average fare schedule in Jackson, MS along with the Uber app’s help with the Uber fare.
Uber |
Taxi |
Initial Fare | $2.50 | $3.00 |
Per Mile | $1.65 | $3.00 |
Per Minute | $0.20 | $0.35 |
Pickup Outside of Jackson | $0.00 | $3.00 |
Additional People | $0.00 | $3.00 |
From Airport | $0.00 | $3.00 |
Tip | Not Necessary but Appreciated | 15% of Fare |
From Fondren Public Old Canton Rd, Jackson, MS to Pear Orchard Apartments Ridgeland, MS is approximately 9mi/13min.
If you were to take an Uber it would be estimated between $18-24 for 4 people. This is according to the Uber app.
If you were to hail a cab it would be estimated between $34-48 + $3 each additional person + $3 for exiting Jackson city limits. This is according to TaxiFareFinder.
As I see it, people are still using cabs (nothing wrong with that) because they might not be smartphone friendly, dislike Uber for some reason, doesn’t trust putting in Credit/Debit Card information, or some other reason. However, Uber is slowly still emerging in the Jackson Metro Area. There will always be folks that would rather call a cab instead of using Uber. Others will use Uber before calling a cab because of the attitude of the cab driver, the condition of the vehicle, and among other things, being required to tip a cabbie.